What does it mean to contact someone?
To contact someone means to establish a connection to the member.
Once you make a contact you will be able to see all the personal information the member added to her/his profile, such as private e-mail address or even phone number, if added.
Also, after you establish a contact you will be able to exchange unlimited information and messages with that member.
It is important to inform that as long as you are a member in the site you will be able to continue to write internal e-mails and chat with all the contacts you've made! Even after your month membership expires!
I am a woman. How can I contact a man?
Women can freely write e-mails to men. There is no cost to do so.
Therefore, all that is necessary is to:
1 - Log in 2 - Go to the member's profile 3 - Click "Write e-mail" button
I am a man. How can I contact a woman?
First, if you wish to make contact, write e-mail to a woman or have access to her private data such as personal e-mail address, then you must have an active month membership.
Please, check how to acquire a month membership at "Payments" in the question: "How can I acquire a service?"
Therefore, if you are a paid member and once you are in the desired woman's profile, you must click the "Contact" button in order to start making contact with her.
Afterwards, if you wish to write the chosen woman an e-mail, all you have to do is, at her profile, click the "Write e-mail" button, or if you are in your "Contacts" list just click "Send e-mail".
How can I delete a contact from the "Contacts" list?
It is not possible to delete a contact from your "Contacts" list. All you can do is move them to the "Deactivated contacts" list or "Block" the contact.
In order to deactivate a contact, please go to FAQ menu "Contact" and in question "How can I deactivate a contact?"
If you wish to block a contact, please go to FAQ menu "Block" and then to question "How can I block a member?"
How can I deactivate a contact?
If you wish to deactivate a contact, please:
1 - Log in 2 - Contacts 3 - Deactivate 4 - Save changes
This function can be used if you desire to organize your "Contacts" list, for example.
How to activate a deactivated contact?
In order to retrieve a deactivated contact, all you have to do is:
1 - Log in 2 - Contacts 3 - Deactivated contacts 4 - Activate 5 - Save changes
Can I still contact a member who is now deleted?
No, you can not. The reason is that the data from deleted profiles won't be available anymore in our system, due to security reasons.
What is the difference between contacts and top contacts?
In the contact list, you see all the contacts you have established since the beginning of your membership. Since this can be quite a lot over time, you have the ability to add your favorite contacts to the top contacts. So you create a better overview and can very quickly find the most important contacts.
What are 'Contact Chips'?
Chips are a payment method for single contacts. They have no validity and there is no refund for them (buy).
There is a refund for them if a member has been banned by us or you didn't get an answer within 3 months after the contact was done
In case that you want to make only some contacts you can buy some chips.
You can contact a member directly by adding the member to your contact list by clicking on the button "Contact".